Bringing a Brand New Digital Storytelling Workshop to NWT!
I have been involved with the DigitalNWT Project for the last 3 years as a member of the Curriculum Team and Project Partner. For the last year, myself and several students from the University of Alberta have been working with NWT-based leaders and Digital Storytellers to adapt Hands On Media’s current Digital Storytelling Curriculum into a more NWT-relevant workshop, in the hopes of teaching Community Educators in each 33 NWT community how to bring Digital Literacy skills & Digital Storytelling to their learners and students.
The incredible Jennie Vandermeer came up with the amazing Canvas Tent Analogy for the creation of a Digital Story, with Inuvik-based Nigit’stil Norbert illustrating each step. Deneze Nakehk’o, Pat Kane, Kyle Napier, Leanne Goose and Jacey Firth-Hagan also contributed greatly to this new workshop version through inspiring introductory videos and feedback.
Nigit’stil Norbert is an Invuik-based Illustrator & Graphic Recorder.
The creation of a Digital Story is similar to the setting up of a canvas tent -- each step must be complete before we move on to the next.
Having all workshop travel plans canceled due to the COVID pandemic March 2020-February 2022, we were finally able to deliver 3 in-person DigitalNWT workshops before our funding expired at the end of last month. Luckily most COVID restrictions in NWT were dropped March 1st, and so off myself and Belinda Ongaro (University of Alberta) went to deliver the brand new Digital Storytelling Workshop in Inuvik, Aklavik and Yellowknife!
Dëneze introduces storytelling, and shares some stories of his own as an encouragement to first-time Digital Storytellers.
Jennie Vandermeer introduces the importance of planning & Storyboarding your Digital Story.
Our first workshop location was at the Aurora College campus in Inuvik . We worked with 8 participants ranging in age from 35-65 approx. who created 8 Digital Stories. Several of the participants were from Western Africa, so it was really special to hear their stories of relocating to the Canadian Arctic. The workshop went very well, with these following comments:
“Great course! I really learned lots, group and one-on-one work”.
“The facilitators were very patient, knowledgeable and created a positive learning environment. It was Magical!”
Student Tara Carpenter types out her Digtial Story Narration.
Jessie and Belinda facilitate the workshop at Aurora College, Inuvik Campus.
Our second workshop was in Aklavik at the Aurora College Campus, with 7 participants ranging in age from 18-65 years who created 7 Digital Stories. Some highlights included one student who sang a hymn for the music for his Digital Story, one student’s project which celebrated snowmobiling and what it meant for her, and another students description and love for each of the seasons through animals and plants. A few nice comments were shared with us at the end of the workshop:
“Very interesting and can’t wait to try after the carnival pictures”
“Learned a lot.”
“Yes it is very cool to know this type of tech savvy stuff - Maybe some of us would even make a web site and even just a short story.”
“Yes i would love for someone to take this course ! Everything about it is cool.”
A fun group photo after our Aklavik workshop was complete.
George Koe was our most enthusiastic student in Aklavik!
Our last workshop was held in Yellowknife at the Yellowknife Public Library, with 7 participants ranging in age from 17-65 who created 7 Digital Stories. It was another successful workshop with some really driven and committed participants who created some incredible projects about Yellowknife, a Jigging Revitalization Program, memories of their hometown & the conflict in Ukraine. The local newspaper NNSL covered our workshop before and after our visit, so please check out the first finished article here to learn more.
Christina looks for images to add to her Digital Story.
Sadly our core funding from ISED & the Canadian Government has run out as of March 31st 2022, but I am currently working on the development of a new Open Education Resource for NWT educators, organizations, communities and end-learners titled “Digital Literacy in a Northwest Territories Context” which will allow for anyone to access & download all of the Digital Literacy curriculum (including this new workshop!) for free.