Teaching Stop Motion Animation with iPads or Computers

Learn how to teach media & digital literacy using an incredibly engaging activity with your students using an incredibly creative, imaginative and expressive form of media production. This five-hour Professional Development workshop focuses on easy-to-use Stop-Motion techniques for the classroom, and can be used to bring any topic or theme alive. Educators will leave with practical new skills and applicable experience, including animation-station set-up, sound design and story-boarding techniques to use with their students. 

Join us and learn how to make your classroom come alive with Stop Motion animation!

  • In-Person Workshop length: 1 X 5 hour session

  • Online Workshop length: 2 X 2.5 hour sessions

  • Applicable for: Educators of students aged 6+ years to adult.

  • Cost: $2000 including materials (maximum 20 participants) For In-Person Workshop, travel costs to be added.


Contact us today to get started